PHYSIOBELLO ist eine Tierarztpraxis in Wien, die auf Physiotherapie, Chiropraktik und Akupunktur für Ihren Hund und Ihre Katze spezialisiert ist. In den 6 Behandlungsräumen verfügen wir über 2 Unterwasserlaufbänder, 2 Therapielaser, 4 Elektrotherapiegeräte, 2 Schallwellenmassagegeräte, ein Elektroakupunkturgerät und viele Balance- und Bewegungstools für unsere Kräftigungsübungen.
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in graphic design and publishing to fill in space where written content will eventually be placed. It is composed of a jumbled mixture of Latin words and phrases, with no coherent narrative or meaning ...
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used in publishing and graphic design that simulates the appearance of real text. The purpose of the lorem ipsum is to provide a dummy text when the actual text is not available. It is a Latin text that has been used since the 16th century and is derived from a passage of Cicero’s 1st-century BC text De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum.
Tierarztpraxis Stroheckgasse
Rögergasse 29, 1090 Wien
(Eingang um die Ecke in der Stroheckgasse)